A Lesson on Luminosity with Maria Nemeth
How does one live life luminously? Author, speaker, and coach Maria Nemeth discusses the difference between happiness and becoming truly luminous: a state of being. Can our hearts’ callings lead us to find true purpose and value? Listen and discover how transformational one’s own inner standards of integrity can be for finding meaning in life.
How does one live life luminously? Author, speaker, and coach Maria Nemeth discusses the difference between happiness and becoming truly luminous: a state of being. Can our hearts’ callings lead us to find true purpose and value? Listen and discover how transformational one’s own inner standards of integrity can be for finding meaning in life.

- Happiness is an emotion, but Luminosity is a state of being.
- Let your callings lead you–even if the road is tough– because it will give you a true sense of your purpose.
- How to embrace who you are, and use it to drive your life.
- What is the concept of “trouble at the border” between our vision reality and physical reality
- The value of our inner standards of integrity and how to identify them.
- How ontological leadership transcends gender lines.
- How women lead differently
(5:38 ) … my ‘advice’ to people is that if ever you have something that looks like a calling, let it grab you because where it will lead you, up and down, you know, through wonderful times and difficult times, but there will always be a sense that you are doing what you’re meant to be doing on this planet. And that, I say, is the true nature of healing.
(10:55) A luminous moment sometimes can be happy, sometimes can have a little sadness attached to it. It’s a state of being, and happiness is an emotion, and emotions come and go. You know, you can be happy and sad within the space of 20 minutes any given day, but a luminous moment stays because it latches onto your heart.
(11:24) Luminosity is about living the life that you were meant to live without running yourself into the ground and driving those around you crazy.
(13:23) And that’s what women need more and more to be able to sink inside of ourselves, to see what it is we value and to be willing to claim it and use it on a day-to-day basis.
(19:25) I say that we’re at a point now, in our journey together as a species, where we have to learn to come together and recognize with both men and women, what are the values that really work, that we really need on this planet, at this moment, to handle some of the incredible issues that we’re here to handle.
Mastering Life’s Energies: Simple Steps to a Luminous Life at Work and Play, Maria Nemeth
The Energy of Money: A Spiritual Guide to Financial and Personal Fulfillment, Maria Nemeth
Ontology: The study of the nature of being. It is one of the four domains of metaphysics that concern itself with our experience in life. Ontology has no gender. It is a way of being, which when it’s brought forth, heals and inspires all.
Richard Buckminster Fuller & The Geodesic Dome
Maria’s Notion of “Nevertheless I Am Willing:”
There are two domains that you and I are here to live with. One is visionary reality. And physical reality is the home of the absolute, concrete results that we produce out of our ideas, dreams, and vision.
As you go from your vision into physical reality to do the thing, we pass by something called trouble at the border.
And this trouble at the border experience is very difficult for us because that’s when our doubts, and our worries, and our fears grow very, very loud.
Everyone experiences it, so the first thing to do is recognize that when you’re at the border, it means that you’re doing something right, not something wrong. When you hear those doubts, worries, and fears, they are a sign of your commitment.
One way to go past the border, take one small, sweet step. You’ve got to start with these small steps because the definition of success is doing what I said I would do consistently with clarity, focus, ease, and grace. Where clarity is about being clear about what it is you’re doing, focus is about learning to focus you brain to keep going. Ease is about taking small, steps and grace is about being grateful for the journey.
A Lesson On Luminosity with Maria Nemeth