


Deciding the objects we surround ourselves with in our homes can be a journey of self-exploration. In this Lesson on What We Keep, Jean Lin, Founder and Curator of New York City design gallery and studio Colony, speaks about her new book, what designers make, what they collect and understanding the creative power of collecting. […]

Asian American Entrepreneur Jean Lin in a white dress with blonde ahir


If you’ve ever shown up in a room, boardroom or otherwise, on a job site or at a conference where people don’t expect to see a woman like you, raise your hand. If you’re Generation X or older, it’s pretty much par for the course. For all of you, Voice Lessons Podcast Creator and Co-Producer […]


In this Lesson On Mindfulness with Dr. Ellen Langer speaks about how mindfulness improves women’s leadership. Dr. Langer, known as the “mother of mindfulness,” was the first woman tenured in the Psychology Department at Harvard and has been at the forefront of mindfulness research for over four decades, contributing significantly to our understanding of its […]


In this Lesson on Saying It With Sugar, Feminist Baker Becca Rea-Tucker has been “saying it with sugar” since 2018 and now more than ever she is helping to shift the conversation and inspire change around women’s issues with an unconventional platform: cakes. Topics Discussed with Becca Rea-Tucker Becca’s first experience with baking. Becca’s first […]



Ronit Plank’s mother left to follow the Indian mystic, some would say cult leader Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (also known as Osho) when she was five years old. Through the process of writing her memoir, When She Comes Back, Plank rewrote her definition of forgiveness.   Ronit Plank is a writer, teacher, and speaker. Her debut […]


Dana Marlowe turned a moment into a movement. What began with the question, “What can I do with my old bras?” led to the creation of I Support the Girls, a national non-profit organization that provides a source of dignity, self-esteem, empowerment, and support to marginalized women via the donation of bras and menstrual hygiene […]


Brandy G. of Authentically B wants everyone to know that it’s ok to be you. Because when you do, the divine might just present you with your heart’s desires. The moment Brandy decided to be visible as her authentic self was the moment that her transition from full-time school teacher to model and lifestyle influencer […]


Following her intuition, Nicole Crowder made a transition from full-time photo editor to pursue her true calling in upholstery and furniture design. In this “Lesson on Soul Work”, we talk about her brand new collaboration with World Market, her practice of slow creation, and why using her lineage to tell a story through her work […]



Where does creativity come from? And how do creatives, especially women, tackle failure? In this “lesson on escalating dares”, Ilana Ben-Ari talks about how she turned her creative vision into a business, despite the stigma that women and creatives are limited to just coming up with ideas. Why stop at invention, when you can build your own business? Find out how to tackle the fear of failure and use playful creativity and bootstrapping efforts to build something you can truly be passionate about.




How visible (or invisible) are you?


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